By now, I'm sure all of you have heard the news that, barring a reversal of policy, many religious organizations have until August 2013 to decide whether to comply with the new federal mandate. The mandate requires health insurance plans provided by these organizations to carry various forms of contraception. Contraception and all that it entails has long been a controversial topic in this country. The Catholic Church, among many organizations, is literally religiously opposed to contraception.
This news came right on the heels of another public furor - that one non-profit organization (Susan G. Komen for the Cure) had decided to pull their funding from another non-profit (Planned Parenthood). Apparently, SK's decision was akin to the NFL deciding to cancel the Super Bowl forevermore. The reaction was instant. Media figures, celebrities and United States Senators fell over themselves to condemn the terrible, horrible, no-good-very-bad people who, by this singular act, proved they "hated" women. The leadership of Susan Komen, after a few days of being accused of making a decision based on "political" purposes, reversed themselves. They were thus deemed to love women again, I assume.
Reminder: The vitriol was directed to an organization that, as its purpose, wishes to find a cure for BREAST cancer. A disease that overwhelmingly affects...women.
Something else that had crossed my reading radar over the past few weeks was this article. The Canadian academic Douglas Farrow makes a powerful point as to the ends of the same-sex marriage argument:
This is all heavy stuff, and if you're still reading this, I thank you. I've tried to stay away from politics, especially in the last couple of years. There were benefits - I'm almost positive my blood pressure improved.
But it seems that politics won't stay away from me. Or from you, for that matter.
And in regards to each of these topics - the question of religious freedom, what is the relationhip between two separate non-profits, and what is the endgame of those who argue in favor of same-sex marriage- they aren't going to leave us alone. They can't leave us alone. If simply choosing (no pun intended) to stop donating money to Planned Parenthood brings such animosity, it's no wonder Susan G. Komen changed their minds. If the consequence of not following the federal mandate means the Catholic church is forced to end their health insurance coverage, their employees will suffer. And if same-sex marriage becomes the law of the land (as I think it will), then the definition of marriage, husband, wife, and man and woman for that matter, will have no meaning at all. If a favored non-profit can bully another into continually providing funds (whether it needs them or not), it sends the message that once you give us your money, you'll always give us your money. If a government can dictate what a religious entity must provide, it can dictate anything. If it can declare that words have no meaning, they can dictate the meaning of words. Just ask Winston Smith.
Where does the road end?
Some of you may think I'm overreacting. I hope I am. Some of you may think I'm completely wrong. I hope I am. Some of you may think that what I've said is so far-fetched, there's no way it could ever happen in reality. I hope it never does, but if it does - this is where the great divide shows itself. On one side is fear. On the other side is not courage, but love.
What is Planned Parenthood afraid of, that they must wage a public relations war against Susan G. Komen, an entity dedicated to a wholly unpolitical cause?
What is the current Administration afraid of, that it insists that large groups of religious Americans must either conform to its rules, or abandon their long-held beliefs? Why is it doing this, when the goal of widespread contraception was reached decades ago?
What are the proponents of same-sex marriage afraid of, to the extent that definitions must be rewritten, that in certain countries "Mother" and "Father" no longer appear on a child's birth certificate, but "Spouse A" and "Spouse B"?
They are afraid of the truth - that once gifts are coerced, they are no longer gifts, but stolen goods; that there is a greater power than any secular authority; that our sexuality is not what we will it to be, but a gift to us from our Creator who made us to live in harmony with each other and within His creation.
More from Farrow:
2 weeks ago
Excellent commentary!