Friday, April 30, 2010

Something Really, REALLY important happened today

For the first time ever since moving to my new place (and village), I stopped at the green corporate coffee place before heading in to work.


However, I must mention that approximately six hours before this earth-shattering event took place, my second nephew made his grand appearance.
He weighed 8 lbs., 5 oz. at birth. (I received two different numbers regarding his weight, but I'm putting in the one given to me by his mother, as her number is more likely to be accurate). He is 20 inches long and has (for now) brown hair. After speaking with his grandfather after work, I was informed that Second Nephew had made his first "constitutional". Naturally, everyone involved is delighted.
As for his aunt from the multi-animal village (squared, as a friend put it), I think he's adorable. And relieved he's here and safe and that he and his mama and daddy and big brother are doing fine.
So here's to you, Master S. You may be the second born, but today you're first in all our hearts and minds. May God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit bless you today and every day of your earthly pilgrimage.

Love always, Aunt M (BR)


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